Anyone for Seconds?

Secondary Infertility is the name of the game. Who wants to play? A TTC blog of internal torture.



Saturday, September 30, 2006
What to buy, what to spend....
So I've been browsing on e-bay and other places for things that I no longer posses or never possessed but wouldn't mind owning. One of the things that I desire is a convertible pram. Have you ever seen these things? They are like toy baby carriages. Beautiful and comfy looking. Just the sort of ride I'd want to have if I were an infant with no muscle control. I'm thinking of a bright red one as it's good for both genders or maybe gray, although gray makes me feel like I should be wearing black lipstick and putting a "Nightmare before Christmas" mobile up over the frightening, spindly black crib with gray bedding and a stuffed spider. *Shudder* Just a bit too Tim Burton for me. Anyway, it is possible to find cheaper prams that turn into strollers as that all-important neck control develops but being out of the loop I'm not sure if it is a reasonable desire or just me living in dream land. I also wanted, at one time, a round crib but that has run it's course. Now it's really all about the pram. I haven't gotten any farther than that. Although I do really want a babybjorn. I've seen pictures and they are darn cute. The pictures, anyway.
posted by The Writer 5:24 PM  
  • At 6:33 PM, Blogger Sabrina said…

    LOVE my Bjorn! SO comfy to carry babs in! Pram.. have you found one that will fit in your trunk??? We considered them for a nanosecond till we realized that we'd only be able to use it at home as it wouldn't fit in our car..........

  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger The Writer said…

    Actually, the nice one I looked at folds down enough to fit in my trunk with room to spare.

    It's quite a steal. Now to talk the spouse into it!

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