Anyone for Seconds?

Secondary Infertility is the name of the game. Who wants to play? A TTC blog of internal torture.



Friday, September 15, 2006
Up, up and away!
So my original hcg was 61.9 (I double checked, I think I had it wrong) and when they called yesterday morning it came in at 144! Yay!! They said that is really good and God knows I sure feel pregnant!! The downside to that is of course on our little vacation there happen to be several maternity and whatnot stores and they are freakin' everywhere! I started out preaching caution and my wonderful spouse dragged me into every single one of them. I'm sorry to say that no one had to drag me into the fitting rooms or to the cash register. I'm weak, I know. Anyway, feeling super achy all over, little nauseous, and totally exhausted. I am absolutely ecstatic that I have all these strong symptoms because it means I'm PREGNANT!!! I'm still praying every minute that this one sticks and that God continues to watch over our growing family. So, one day at a time, ladies. That goes for all of us.
posted by The Writer 8:20 PM  
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Name: Pseudonym-er Home: Where my heart is. You don't wanna know.

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