Anyone for Seconds?

Secondary Infertility is the name of the game. Who wants to play? A TTC blog of internal torture.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Computer is all messed up!
Trying to view blogs let alone write on one is a major feat. To be fixed soon.

Quick update, Names? Yeah right. First it was Gideon, now it's Lincoln. What will we end up with? A kid with no name if we don't hurry it up.

Really hoping for a vbac, and looking forward to getting it underway as I've never been as big a fan of pregnancy as I am of holding my baby in my arms. Plus, he's kicking the hell out of me.

That's all I have for now, at almost 24 weeks. Things are looking good!
posted by The Writer 8:06 PM  
  • At 10:00 PM, Blogger Amber said…

    Well I hope you get the vbac you're wanting! If you want anyone there to take pics let me know, I would love to do it for you!

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    don't worry about names, you'll know what it should be when you see him. If not then that's ok - you don't have to name him right away. Choose a few that you (both) like and see which one fits the best when you meet him!

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Name: Pseudonym-er Home: Where my heart is. You don't wanna know.

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Last Chance!!!
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The 17 week appt.
Well hell.
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