Anyone for Seconds?

Secondary Infertility is the name of the game. Who wants to play? A TTC blog of internal torture.



Thursday, March 29, 2007
The 17 week appt.
My appointment went well. I have actually gained only a pound but everything is right on schedule size-wise so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. The heartbeat was loud and clear and she didn't have any trouble finding it. I'm cleared to schedule my next ultrasound anytime after April 12th. I'm looking forward to it. Things are going well for me, still feeling good and feeling more flutters in the belly now. Very reassuring, those flutters. I've definitely found a more peaceful place that I hope will continue as this progresses. It feels good to be feeling good, isn't that redundant? Anyway, just a quick update!
posted by The Writer 5:56 PM  
  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger Amber said…

    I was just about to send you an email asking how you were doing but here it is, an update! I'm happy that you're finding a peaceful place now! Can't wait to hear the results of your ultrasound!

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Name: Pseudonym-er Home: Where my heart is. You don't wanna know.

Well hell.
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Oh, me too me too!
So, little question...
The Test...
Now that the party's over.

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